Mindfulness Program
Enhance employee well-being and productivity with mindfulness practices tailored for the modern workplace through experiential learning.
Workplace Friendly
Enhances focus and reduces stress in fast-paced, competitive work environments.
Productivity Booster
Bolsters productivity, resilience, well-being and workplace relationships.
Scientifically Proven
Backed by research, mindfulness is shown to significantly improve workplace performance.
Program Content
1. Understand how our minds bring us trouble through thought exercises and discussions.
2. Direct experience of mindfulness through short exercises and discussions.
3. Understand the “why” and “how” of mindfulness through inspirational videos.
4. Explore different ways to cultivate mindfulness in workplace and in daily life.
Workshop Details
1 hour luncheon talk / 3 hour introductory workshop / 6 hour experiential workshop
No limitation for luncheon talk or introductory workshop. Up to 100 pax for experiential workshop
Face-to-face / Online